In Tanzania, partners from different sectors and related ministries (e.g., health, education, social protection) worked together to plan for improving population health and health equity. They used different methods to promote multi-sectoral collaboration in addressing social determinants of health (SDH) through a Health in All Policies (HiAP) approach. Planning sought to strengthen public policies across sectors to more intentionally consider health implications of decisions, seek synergies, use resources, and avoid harmful health impacts to improve population health and health equity.
This included consultations with the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), as the coordinator of Government business. High-level advocacy meetings of Directors of Policy and Planning and Permanent Secretaries from sectoral ministries were conducted to move forward the HiAP agenda. Capacity building was provided for sectoral Ministries to help understand the HiAP concept and its application to addressing SDH. Inter-ministerial collaboration meetings were convened to bring sectors together to identify SDH issues and key areas for inter-sectoral collaboration.
During planning, they group worked to clarify the roles and responsibilities of partners from different sectors, and structures used to coordinate intersectoral action. This included development of a National HiAP Framework to address SDH, and a Health in All Policies Secretariat to coordinate HiAP activities.
The planning team identified potential strategies to be used in the initiative, including 1) joint annual health sector review; 2) consultation and advocacy meeting; 3) desk review; 4) joint planning and accountability framework; 5) high-level meeting; 6) capacity building; 7) working session; 8) refresher training; 9) review meetings; and 10) establishment of a Health in All Policies Secretariat.
Partners identified those who can best implement strategies, including leadership and staff of sectoral ministries, members of the Prime Minister’s office and the Vice President’s office, and organizations related to priority issues (e.g., health, education, food, housing, and transport).
This project made clear that every sector in the Tanzania government has a role to play in addressing social determinants and promoting health, equity, and sustainable development.
[SOURCE: Mbanga et al. (2023). Process of developing the National Health in All Policies Framework to address social determinants of health in Tanzania Mainland: lessons learned, 2018-2022. Pan African Medical Journal. 2023;45(1):4. (doi: 10.11604/pamj.supp.2023.45.1.39693)]